We are a fellowship of people brought together by a shared experience… a reliable and durable mystical experience which we responsibly and ceremonially provide at our entheogenic retreats every few months. Each Sunday we gather to integrate that extraordinary experience into our ordinary lives by practicing meditation and gaining skill with psychotherapeutic tools. Above all, we encourage one another.
On the Sunday before each full moon, we make it a point to open our doors and our hearts to anyone who might be interested in who we are and what we’re doing. Welcome! We hope you hear something useful and meet someone kind.
Join us at Love In Motion yoga studio
1250 Niagara St, Buffalo, NY 14213
Or online:https://zoom.us/j/99280418586?pwd=QlAvQ3JOeW5XcjlvMnZHVHNhdVl4dz09
ID: 992 8041 8586
Passcode: wormmoon
Or by phone: +19292056099,,95285216998#,,,,,,0#,,44492493#
Meeting ID: 952 3661 5200
Passcode: 61937310
Photo Credit: "Super Worm Moon" by MattBritt00 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0