April 14, 2019
You’re receiving this note because 1. You attended the Very First LENS Symposium two weeks ago, or 2. You expressed some interest but couldn’t make it, or 3. I’m desperate for your camaraderie and I sent you this in the hopes you’ll come to the Next Event (It’s this Friday! Short notice… I know.)
First off, THANK YOU for coming to the last event. Seeing you all there, patiently watching me take my time as I attempt to unwind a vision for The LENS… it means so much to me… and it was a huge challenge preparing for that moment. But even more challenging was attempting to predict how the idea would be received by… well… by YOU. So please let me know.
Here are some next steps:
* Tell me if you do not want to receive these messages in the future. I get it! This cup of tea aint for everyone. And you’ve been so nice up to this point, too! Cheers! By the way, for those of you sticking around…
* I promise never to corner you at the gym, grocery store, work, etc. to talk about this project. I endeavor to maintain a high ethical standard around confidentiality and privacy and will encourage everyone involved to abide by that standard. On the flip-side, I am an open book and will enthusiastically respond at any time about anything to do with The LENS in accordance with your leading and comfort level, so don’t be shy to approach me with any questions or concerns at any time.
* If you do want to stay in touch, but I’m contacting you via Facebook Messenger or LinkedIn or some other Social Media nonsense, please send me your email address so I can contact you there instead (Aren’t we “real” friends by now?)
* If you want to participate or just learn more about upcoming Entheogenic Retreats, either as a sitter or an experiencer, please send me your phone number, or call me directly at (716) 514-6236. Retreats require increased rapport and decreased technology. The first one is coming up in July, so time to prepare is relatively short. NOTE: retreats are completely optional and not a prerequisite for continued participation in The LENS. All public LENS Events have something to offer everyone regardless of interest or participation in the retreats. All are welcome!
* If I already have your phone number, I plan on calling you this week to see where you stand on all this (Unless you tell me not to do that. Again… I totally get it. No worries).
* Keep coming to LENS Events if you like the idea of building a fellowship devoted to increased wellbeing and decreased suffering through spirituality without religion. I’ve scheduled future LENS Events on the full moon of every month. Hopefully that randomizes your chances of making it out a few more times this year. Thank you for even considering it.
* Bring a friend or tell a friend to check out The LENS events… anyone you love, trust, and who you think could benefit from taking part in a community that prizes reason, psychotherapeutic tools, meditation, and perhaps a profoundly life-changing mystical experience.
All the very best.