A self-described, recovering cellist... Angela wrote the book on how to create a career in music, and she works directly with composers, giving them tools to get unstuck, take risks, and face the hard questions only art can answer. 


Angela's website: http://angelabeeching.com/

Angela's Book, Beyond Talent:  Creating a Successful Career in Music is not only helpful for musicians. It caused me to re-imagine my own career in psychotherapy (and hire a photographer no less). 

The Tools, by Phil Stutz and Barry Michels

Phil Stutz' upcoming seminar in Santa Cruz

Angela mentions Shannon Curtis' House Concerts, an amazing example of one artist who found an alternative to traditional touring. Shannon wrote a book on how to make $25k on a two-month house tour.

LA Phil violinist Vijay (Robert) Gupta his Street Symphony project and his TedTalk

Walnut Hill School for the Arts, where Angela went to high school.

The pomodoro technique to break the work day down into shorter segments of 25 minutes each.

Anne Lamott's book, Bird by Bird 

Steven Pressfield's books, The War of Art, and Turning Pro

Elizabeth Gilbert's book, Big Magic.


Angela is taking an online course with Seth Godin.

Earlier in the show...

Denis talked about the song, Naked as We Came by Iron and Wineintermittent fasting using Kevin Rose's app, "Zero", and shooting video in South Africa